Dracaena fragrans

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Illatos sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) gondozása - CityGreen.hu. Az illatos sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) bemutatása. Az illatos dracéna az egyik legnépszerűbb dracéna faj, a kertészeti üzletek rengeteg változatban forgalmazzák. Levelei szélesek és csíkosak, a törzs tetején, látványos levélüstököt formáznak.. Illatos Sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) gondozása, szaporítása (Sávos .. (Dracaena fragrans) Az illatos, avagy sávos sárkányfa az egyik legnépszerűbb szobanövény, mely elsősorban jó alkalmazkodó képességének köszönheti sikerét. Ez a trópusi Afrikából származó cserje számos néven ismert, így a kereskedelemben D

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. massangeana , D. deremensis és D. warneckei neveken is gyakorta forgalmazzák.. Dracaena fragrans - Wikipedia. Dracaena fragrans (cornstalk dracaena), is a flowering plant species that is native throughout tropical Africa, from Sudan south to Mozambique, west to Côte dIvoire and southwest to Angola, growing in upland regions at 600-2,250 m (1,970-7,380 ft) altitude. It is also known as striped dracaena, compact dracaena, and corn plant.. Sárkányfa (Dracaena Fragrans) Teljes útmutatója - Kertszepites.com. A Dracaena Fragrans egy lassan növő, fához hasonló szobanövény. Jellemzően több vastag szárból áll, amelyek ugyanabból a gyökérzetből nőnek. A kifejlett példányok elérik a 15 métert vagy annál magasabbat, koronájuk karcsú, függőleges ágakból és nagy levelekből áll.. Illatos Sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) gondozása - KertInfo.hu. Az illatos sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) az egyik legkeresettebb dracéna faj a kertészetek kínálatában. A trópusi, szubtrópusi területekről származik, hazánkban kedvelt szobanövény. Levéldísznövény, levelei szélesek, csíkosak, és nagyon dekoratívak.. Illatos Sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) ültetése, gondozása, szaporítása .. Illatos Sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) gondozása, igényei. Az Illatos Sárkányfa, vagy Dracaena fragrans, egy népszerű szobanövény, amely nem csak szép, de egyszerűen gondozható is. A növény általában 2-3 méter magasra nő, de van olyan fajtája is, amely csak 30-50 cm magasra nő.. Corn Plant (Dracaena): Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce. The corn plant ( Dracaena fragrans) is a tropical African evergreen tree popular in Europe as an indoor plant since the mid-1800s—and in the U.S. since the early 20th century. They grow fairly slowly, from thick canes or stems that produce long, narrow leaves like stalks of corn, growing upward.. Dracéna, sárkányfa gondozása, ápolása - Virágbarát. Illatos sárkányfa (Dracaena fragrans) A legismertebb dracéna fajtának tartják, amely hatalmas, rendkívül a kukorica leveléhez hasonlóakat növeszt. A levelei szélesek és csíkosak, a törzsük tetejét látványos levélüstökök formázzák.. Dracaena Fragrans (Corn Plant): Care and Growing Guide - Leafy Place. The Dracaena fragrans —also named the corn plant—is a flowering plant species native to Africa. The corn plant is a popular ornamental houseplant because it thrives in most indoor environments. Growing in low light or bright light, the Dracaena fragrans produces glossy green foliage.. Dracaena Fragrans (Corn Plant) Guide | Our House Plants. About the Corn Plant This very popular houseplant often goes by the name Corn Plant, or by its official Latin name of Dracaena fragrans (impossible to say without sounding French!), it may also be known as Dracaena massangeana. They can make for bold looking indoor plants - Photo by KENPEI. How to Grow and Care for Dracaena fragrans - BBC Gardeners World Magazine. Foliage colour: Dracaena fragrans is an easy evergreen house plant with long, wide leaves that can reach 40cm long. These are produced at the top of a thick, tree-like stem. Also known as corn plant, this is a popular house plant for its easy-going nature, ability to thrive in light shade and tropical looking foliage.. Dracéna (Sárkányfa) gondozása - Részletes útmutató. Az üzletek kínálatában leggyakrabb a sávos dracénát (Dracaena deremensis), a tarka sárkányfát (Dracaena marginata), az illatos sárkányfát (Dracaena fragrans), és a fehérszélű sárkányfát (Dracaena sanderiana) találjuk meg, utóbbit szerencsebambusz néven is forgalmazzák.. Dracaena Fragrans Care - Your #1 Best Guide - Plantophiles. Dracaena fragrans (Dra-SEE-nuh FRAY-granz), the Latin name of the Corn plant—is a flowering plant species indigenous to the continent of Africa and other islands in the Indian Ocean

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. The Corn plant is a widely kept ornamental houseplant since the mid-1800s because it dwells in most indoor environments. Dracaena fragrans Care. Sárkányfa, dracéna (Dracaena) gondozása, szaporítása. A tarka sárkányfa az illatos dracénától (Dracaena fragrans) és a sávos dracénától (Dracaena deremensis) markánsan különböző dracéna faj. Levelei sokkal keskenyebbek, mint az előbbi két sárkányfáé. A levélüstököt alkotó vékony, hosszú levelek ívesen visszahajlanak.. how to care for dracaena fragrans - Leafy Life. The Dracaena fragrans—also named the corn plant—is a flowering plant species native to Africa. The corn plant is a popular ornamental houseplant because it thrives in most indoor environments. Growing in low light or bright light, the Dracaena fragrans produces glossy green foliage. The broad lanceolate leaves form an attractive crown of .. Dracaena fragrans (corn plant) | CABI Compendium. Dracaena fragrans is widely cultivated and commercialized as an ornamental for gardens and for indoors as a potted plant. It is often planted for hedges and living fences. In Africa, it is used in traditional medicine and for fibre production. In Tanzania, this species is regarded as a holy plant.. How to Care for Dracaena: Types & Growing Tips - The Spruce. Dracaena fragrans (fragrant Dracaena, corn plant) has strap-like leaves that emerge in a fountain-like cluster from a thick woody stem. This plant can grow as much as 6 feet in height when grown as a potted plant. In outdoor settings where it is hardy (zones 10 to 12), it has been known to grow over 20 feet.. Tarka sárkányfa (Dracaena marginata) gondozása - CityGreen.hu. A tarka sárkányfa (Dracaena marginata) bemutatása. A tarka sárkányfa az illatos dracénától (Dracaena fragrans) és a sávos dracénától (Dracaena deremensis) markánsan különböző dracéna faj. Levelei sokkal keskenyebbek, mint az előbbi két sárkányfáé. A levélüstököt alkotó vékony, hosszú levelek ívesen visszahajlanak.. Dracaena fragrans - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Warneckii Previously known as: Dracaena deremensis Dracaena massangeana Phonetic Spelling dra-SEE-nah FRAY-granz Description Corn plant is a slow-growing, broadleaf evergreen, perennial shrub in the asparagus family (Asparagaceae).. Dracaena fragrans (Compacta Grp) Compacta-Sárkányfa. 990 Ft. Vastag zöld szára van, és kiváló, sűrű rövid, sötétzöld levelekből áll. Ez a Dracaena egyik olyan változata, amelynek levelei nem tarkák; ehelyett csodálatos gazdag és mély fényes zöld levelekkel bír, mély erezettel, hasonlóan az Aspidistrához.. DRACAENA FRAGRANS COMPACTA Növény, sárkányfa, 9 cm. Növények Asztali növények DRACAENA FRAGRANS COMPACTA Növény Képek kihagyása DRACAENA FRAGRANS COMPACTA Növény, sárkányfa, 9 cm 895Ft Ár, áfával (32) Hogyan vásárolhatod meg Kiszállítás Jelenleg nincs információ Opciók megtekintése a pénztárnál Áruházi vásárlás Áruházi készlet ellenőrzése Kapcsolódó termékek Gyakran együtt vásárolják. Dracaena fragrans (Dracaena fragrans) : entretien, arrosage, rempotage. Le Dracaena fragrans est un arbuste au port érigé et touffu et au feuillage persistant. Dune croissance lente, il mesure jusquà 3 m de haut en pot. La floraison apparaît rarement en culture dintérieur. Toutefois, dans de bonnes conditions de culture, les sujets âgés peuvent fleurir en été.. Dracaena fragrans - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Dracaena fragrans es un arbusto tropical perteneciente a la familia de las asparagáceas, anteriormente incluida en las ruscáceas. En jardinería se conoce popularmente como Tronco del Brasil, Palo de Brasil o Palo de Agua . Vista de la planta. Inflorescencia.. Draceana I En stor plantefamilie der er nem at passe. Pasning af Dracaena (Dracena) - Det smukke drageblodstræ. Dracena, er en skøn plantefamilie, som skaber en botanisk og tropisk stemning i din indretning. Dracaena planter passer særlig godt ind i nutidens indretning, hvor det er moderne med store, fyldige grønne planter. Dracena, som også omtales som dracæna eller Dracaena, er en plante .

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. Everything You Need to Know About the Blooms on Your Dracaena. The Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans) has the best-known flowers among Dracaena species. As you might guess from the "fragrans" in its scientific name, Corn Plant flowers have a strong scent that emerges in the evening and night hours. The scent is so strong that it can bother some sensitive people, although others love it.. Corn Plant Guide: How to Grow & Care for "Dracaena Fragrans". Leaves of the Dracaena Fragrans Dracaena Fragrans Features: An Overview. Dracaena Fragrans is a slow-growing tree-like houseplant. It typically consists of several thick stems that grow from the same root system

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. The mature specimens reach15 m (50 feet) or more, with a crown of slender upright branches and large leaves.. Types Of Dracaena (With Care Guide & Pictures) - Flower Glossary. Dracaena Fragrans Lindenii - This corn plant can be identified by its sword-like leaves, which are green with yellow accents. Dracaena Fragrans Victoria - The Victoria dracaena is another popular member of the fragrans cultivar and is known for its large yellow band which runs down the middle of its leaves.. Corn Plant Care Guide - How To Grow Dracaena fragrans - Get Busy Gardening

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. Dracaena Fragrans Flowers. Corn plants are most often grown for their foliage, but the fragrans part of the name comes from the sweet aroma they put off during blooming. Flowers form on a central stalk that begins to appear in late fall or early winter. The round pom pom shaped clusters contain several small white, tubelike buds.. 25 Types of Dracaena Plants - The Spruce. Dracaena fragrans Hawaiian Sunshine For narrow indoor spaces, consider this compact variety with an upright growth habit. The attractive glossy dark green foliage has light and dark green stripes. You can move this plant outdoors during the summer, provided that you place the container in a partial shady to shady location. Height: 3-6. Dracaena Limelight: A Plant Guide that Covers Everything. The Dracaena Limelight, a beloved houseplant, is also known as Dracaena fragrans Limelight or simply Limelight plant. Its vibrant green and yellow foliage is a sight to behold, and it belongs to the family Asparagaceae, hailing from tropical Africa. This easy-to-care-for plant has become a favorite among plant enthusiasts due to its .. How to Grow and Care for Dracaena - Better Homes & Gardens. Dracaena is an excellent houseplant. Grow it in well-draining soil in a container with excellent drainage. When dracaena is left to grow in the same pot for a long time indoors, it can experience problems. The edges and tips of leaves may brown and die as a reaction to a buildup of fertilizers and salts from softened water.. Dracaena | Home & Garden Information Center. The Massangeana Dracaena (Dracaena fragrans Massangeana) is the most commonly grown cultivar. Barbara H. Smith, ©2015 HGIC, Clemson Extension Massangeana is the most commonly grown cultivar. Its glossy green, arching leaves have a wide central stripe of yellow. The plants grow 4 to 5 feet tall with a 2-foot spread on stout .. Dracaena fragrans - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden

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. Dracaena fragrans, commonly known as corn plant, is a popular, durable, easy-to-grow indoor houseplant that is native to tropical Africa. Although it may soar to 20 tall or more in its native habitat, it more often is seen in the 4-6 tall range as a container plant in the U.S. Rosettes of evergreen, parallel-veined, sword-shaped, bright .. Corn Plant - Dracaena fragrans | North Carolina Extension Gardener .. Corn plant is a slow-growing, broadleaf evergreen, perennial shrub in the asparagus family (Asparagaceae). Its native home is tropical Africa, but it is widely grown as a houseplant or interiorscape plant in the United States and elsewhere. It is commonly called a corn plant because of the resemblance of the tall, unbranched stem to a stalk of .. Corn Plant Care Tips - Dracaena fragrans Massangeana

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. This hardy Dracaena is an unbranched, tree-like plant with sword-shaped arching leaves. Those dark-green leaves are 2 ft (60 cm) long and 4 in (10 cm) wide, and have a broad cream-to-yellow stripe down the middle. Strongly scented flowers are occasionally produced on a plant grown in its native habitat. Older plants may flower indoors, but its rare.. La Drácena Fragans: Cuidados, Propagación y . - Plantasmanía. La Dracaena fragrans es una planta de interior muy popular debido a su fácil cuidado. A continuación, te presento los cuidados necesarios para mantenerla en perfectas condiciones: - Luz: La Dracaena fragrans prefiere una luz indirecta brillante, aunque también tolera la luz tenue. Evita exponerla directamente al sol, ya que puede quemar .. How to care for a Dracaena - Plant care for Beginners

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. Step 3: Reduce the height of overly tall plants. Some Dracaena varieties, like the Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans), can grow up to six feet tall indoors. If your plant has outgrown its space, you can prune it back to reduce its height. Cut the stem just above a leaf to encourage branching and a fuller appearance.. Dracaena Cintho: Complete Care Guide [Water, Soil, Light] - Houseplanta. Native to Madagascar and other Indian Ocean islands, Dracaena Cintho (Dracaena fragrans Cintho) is a popular, upright-growing houseplant boasting long, sword-shaped leaves with green centers and creamy-yellow margins. This evergreen beauty can reach impressive heights of up to 6-8 feet indoors, making it a stunning statement piece for .. 香龍血樹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 香龍血樹( Dracaena fragrans ) ,又名巴西木(Brazilwood)或巴西鐵樹 ,为龍舌蘭科 龙血树属下一个被子植物的种。 是一種原生於非洲南部 的開花植物,分佈於從北部的蘇丹到南部的莫桑比克,西到科特迪瓦,西南到安哥拉,生長於600米到2250米高的高地 。. 其种加词"Fragrans"意为"芳香的","有 .. How to Grow and Care for Dracaena | Gardeners Path. Dracaena Fragrans var. Massangeana (Corn Plant, Mass Cane) A common indoor plant, this variety tends to be the most affordable of the dracaenas. It is also very slow growing, low maintenance, and can tolerate lower light than other varieties, making it a great choice for your indoor space.. When a Corn Plant Blooms - Laidback Gardener. Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans Massangeana).Photo: Costa Farms. The corn plant (Dracaena fragrans), also called corn palm. cornstalk plant and false palm, is a popular houseplant, cultivated for its beautiful growth habit - an erect trunk with arching lanceolate leaves, each a with broad yellow to pale green band in center in the case of the most popular cultivar, D. fragrans .. Dracaena Fragrans Janet Craig Care Guide (2024) | Garden Pals. Dracaena fragrans "Janet Craig" is one of the most dependable houseplants around. Its evergreen, glossy leaves and tall growing habit combine to make the Janet Craig plant a perfect fix for an empty corner. If you live in a climate that stays warm year-round, its also a great landscaping plant.. Dracaena Lemon Lime: What it is, How To Care For It. Dracaena lemon lime like a temperature between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit. One thing to remember is that they are very sensitive to temperature so make sure you have the right amount of sunlight in your home. Humidity. Dracaena lemon lime like humidity levels of 50-60% but they need to be misted twice a week.. Types Of Dracaena: 14 Varieties Of Indoors & Outdoors Dracaena Plants. 1: Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans) Adaptable and totally lush, Dracaena fragrans, commonly known as the Corn Plant is the most popular dracaena varieties, and a popular choice amongst house plants. The tall, stately Corn Plant can become quite big, but small specimens are common too.. Mastering Dracaena Fragrans Care | Plantly. Dracaena fragrans will need repotting every three years as it is a slow-growing plant. Although most dracaena species wouldnt mind being a bit rootbound, its still best to transfer your plant to a larger pot. To do this, wet the soil and leave it to stand for a while. Tug at it gently, and if it does not want to budge, cut the pot and .. Dracaena : conseils de culture et dentretien - Gerbeaud. Dracaena fragrans: feuillage à nervure médiane blanchâtre ; Dracaena draco ou Dragonnier des Canaries : lune des espèces les plus résistantes à la sécheresse ; Dracaena australis : espèce la plus résistante au froid (jusquà -5°C), pouvant être cultivée en extérieur sous certains climats méditerranéens ou océaniques ;. 8 common problems with Dracaena - Houseplant Central. 3.2 Brown tips on Dracaena due to tap water/fluoride toxicity. 3.3 Other causes for brown tips on Dracaena. 4 Dracaena with brown spots. 4.1 Brown spots due to fusarium leaf spot on Dracaena. 5 Dracaena leaves falling off. 6 Dracaena leaves drooping. 7 Dracaena stem rot. 8 Dracaena wrinkled or shriveled stem.. Mass Cane (Dracaena Massangeana): Care and Plant Growing Guide. The mass cane plant, also known as corn plant or Dracaena massangeana, is a popular upright evergreen houseplant in the genus Dracaena.This tropical tree-like flowering plant is a cultivar of Dracaena fragrans species, hence its full scientific name is Dracaena fragrans massangeana. The mass cane plant has a leafy crown of long, sword-shaped, arching leaves.. UF > IFAS > MREC > Apopka - Dracaena Production Guide. Dracaena fragrans, the species, is entirely green and although it is an excellent plant, most consumers prefer the more colorful cultivars. Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana is the most popular cultivar and has leaves with a broad yellow central stripe. This cultivar accounts for nearly 90% of the corn plants sold.. 36 Best Dracaena Varieties for Indoors - Balcony Garden Web. Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans Lemon Lime Height: 4-6 feet. This is another beautiful variety of Deremensis, and it features 1-2 feet long corn-like green leaves with white-yellow stripes and a gray-green center. It can grow up to 5-6 feet tall indoors. Read our article on Lemon Lime Prayer Plant Care here. 8. Song of India. How to Care for a Corn Plant (Dracaena Fragrans) | Hunker. Corn plant ( Dracaena fragrans ), is usually grown as a foliage houseplant, although it also grows as a perennial in the warm climates of U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 in shady locations.Outdoors, this African native potentially grows 50 feet tall, but if you keep it in a pot indoors, it will stay around 4 to 6 feet tall.. Dracaena Compacta Care - Best Kept Secrets! - Plantophiles. If you have grown Dracaena Fragrans, you will notice that this is a compact version of that plant with short, dark green leaves. Common Problems for Dracaena Compacta . Thrips. Thrips are small, winged insects about the size of 0.12 inches in length; they usually thrive in the warm and tropical environment. Thrips are also known to transmit .. Tuoksutraakkipuu - Wikipedia. Tuoksutraakkipuu (Dracaena fragrans syn. Dracaena deremensis) on traakkipuiden (Dracaena) sukuun kuuluva kasvilaji.Sitä käytetään huonekasvina. Sitä kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Länsi-Afrikassa sekä Tansaniassa ja Sambiassa.Sen lehdet ovat 45-90 senttimetriä pitkiä ja 5-10 senttimetriä leveät.. 6 Great Dracaena Plant Benefits (Proven In Studies) - Balcony Garden Web. Dracaena is a popular houseplant known for its ornamental value. Apart from that, there are 6 Great Dracaena Plant Benefits proven in scientific studies! . Some Dracaena species, like Dracaena fragrans, are on NASAs list of air-purifying plants. They can remove harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene from the air.. NParks | Dracaena fragrans - National Parks Board. Individual flowers are small, about 2.5cm long, with a 6-lobed fused corolla, and heavily fragrant. They are initially pink, the gradually white with a thin pink or purple line along the middle of the lobes. The fruit is a small (1 - 2cm diameter) reddish-orange berry. A relatively slow-growing monocot which grows into a multi-stemmed woody .. Dracaena : plantation, entretien et taille - Jardiland. Dracaena fragrans, possédant un feuillage à nervures blanches. Le Dracaena fragrans groupe deremensis se caractérise par des feuilles panachées. Il se décline en plusieurs variétés telles que le dragonnier Lemon Lime ou Dorado. Dracaena drago, ou dragonnier des Canaries, qui résiste très bien à la sécheresse.. Dracaena : tous conseils dentretien | Truffaut. - Dracaena fragrans Lemon lime Feuillage : très colorée, cette variété aux larges feuilles marginées de vert clair anisé éclaire bien une pièce. Qualités : la plante produit des toupets le long des tiges et reste ainsi très touffue sur toute sa hauteur.. Dracaena Growing Guide: How to Care for Dracaena Plants | Garden Design. Dracaena fragrans, which is the most likely species to bloom indoors, bears scented flowers. Habit and size: Bushy shrub or vertical tree-like form, 6 to 50 feet tall and 3 to 25 feet wide. Toxicity: Dracaena produces saponins, which are toxic to dogs and cats. Dracaena plants are nontoxic to humans.. Todo lo que debes saber sobre la Dracaena Fragrans . - Plantasmanía. La Dracaena fragrans es una planta de interior muy popular debido a su belleza y facilidad de cuidado. Aquí te dejamos algunos consejos importantes para su cuidado: - Luz: La Dracaena fragrans requiere luz brillante pero indirecta. Demasiada luz directa puede quemar sus hojas.. How to Grow and Care for Dracaena: Complete Beginners Guide. Dracaena fragrans: This variety features leaves that look like straps and come out of a thick, woody plant in a fountain-like cluster. When grown in a pot, this plant can reach a height of up to 6 feet. It has been known to grow over 20 feet tall in zones 10 to 12 where it is hardy. It is also known as striped dracaena, compact dracaena, and .. Care Guide for The Beautiful Dracaena Fragrans / Corn Plant. Unvariagated Dracaena fragrans look very similar to a corn plant, with leaves that wrap around a woody stem and extend between 18 and 36 inches. Dracaena fragrans is a popular houseplant, a slow-growing, broadleaf, evergreen shrub native to tropical Africa. The habit is palm-like with age, and the corn plant occasionally produces fragrant flowers that open at night.. How to Grow & Care for Dracaena - Miracle-Gro. Dracaena deremensis is a sturdy type that has thinner leaf blades than Dracaena fragrans; popular varieties include Janet Craig and Limelight. You may also want to consider Dracaena marginata, sometimes called "dragon tree." It has thin brown stems with tufts of spiky leaves on top, and can grow to be 6-10 feet tall.. Dracaena Fragrans (Corn Plant): Care & Growing Guide - Houseplant Advisor. Dracaena fragrans thrives in temperatures between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. So, keep your plant safe from lower temperatures such as 50 degrees Fahrenheit. And if you temporarily took out your plant during the hot summer days, make sure to bring it back indoors before temperatures start dropping. Furthermore, keep the humidity levels between 40 .. How to Care for Mass Cane Plant - Dengarden. Facts About Corn Plant (Mass Cane) Height: 4 to 6 feet tall. Ideal Temperature: 60°F (15°C)-75°F (24°C) Light: Indirect bright is best; no direct sunlight. It can tolerate low light. Water: Once a week should be enough. Let the soil be a little damp or slightly dry. Soil: Any soil with good drainage.

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. Dracaena White Jewel Care: The Everyday Plant Care Guide. The Dracaena White Jewel, a beloved houseplant, is also known as Dracaena Fragrans White Jewel or simply White Jewel. This plant is a member of the Dracaena family, which boasts over 120 species of trees and shrubs that are indigenous to Africa and Asia.. Dracaena Massangeana | Mass Cane Plant | Growing and Care. Old-Time Indoor Corn Mass Cane Plant. In Europe, back in the 1700s the Dracaena Massangeana made its mark as an indoor plant, along with the Kentia palm, cast-iron plants (Aspidistra elatior), and what we know as the "Boston fern".During the early 1900s, Dracaena Massangeana fragrans made its way onto the plant scene in the United States.. Dracaena Janet Craig - How to Grow Care Guide - Houseplant 411. A Dracaena fragrans "Janet Craig," previously known as a Dracaena deremensis "Janet Craig," is native to tropical Africa; and in nature, can grow as tall as 49ft (15m). The slow growing, easy- care Dracaena janet craig is one of the most popular large houseplants used in homes and offices. It grows well in all light conditions, from low .. Dracaena Fragrans Info: Learn How To Grow A Corn Plant - Gardening Know How. Dracaena Fragrans Info. Dracaena is a large genus with at least 110 species of shrubby plants and trees, including Dracaena fragrans, a slow-growing plant with glossy green, lance-shaped leaves.The leaves may be solid green or variegated, depending on the variety. The size of the plant also varies, ranging from mature heights of 15 to 50 feet (4.5 to 15 m.), with leaves measuring 7 to 59 .. Care Guide for Dracaena Deremensis (Janet Craig, Lemon & Lime). Origins. The genus, Dracaena, belongs to the Asparagaceae family that holds plants such as Hyacinths, Asparagus Ferns, Spider Plants, Sansevieria & Yuccas.The name derives from the Greek for a female dragon Drakaina, referring to the red sap and green foliage.The species epithet, fragrans , refers to the fragrant blooms that were first coined by John Bellenden Ker Gawler.. Dracaena fragrans Massangeana Corn Plant, Fragrant Dracaena - EDIS. Scientific name: Dracaena fragrans Massangeana. Pronunciation: druh-SEE-nuh FRAY-granz. Common name (s): corn plant, fragrant dracaena. Family: Agavaceae. Plant type: shrub. USDA hardiness zones: 10B through 11 (Figure 4) Planting month for zone 10 and 11: year round. Origin: not native to North America. Invasive potential: not known to be .. Dracena - Copacul chinezesc de bani (Dracaena fragrans): ingrijire. Familia Asparagaceae. Denumirea populara: Dracena fragrans, Floarea porumb, Planta de porumb, Copacul chinezesc de bani, Planta fericita Denumirea stiintifica: Dracaena fragrans Origine: este o planta decorativa prin frunze, originara Africa tropicala. Proprietati ornamentale: Dracena fragrans (Dracaena fragrans) este o planta perena, cu crestere lenta, cultivata ala noi in tara ca planta de .. How to Prune Dracaena: 11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow. 4. Make your cut at a 45-degree angle to keep the plant healthy. Look at your stem to see its growth direction, and angle your pruning shears so they are at a 45-degree angle at the stem. Tighten your shears quickly to make a clean cut. [7] This reduces the risk of infection and allows your plants to heal quickly.

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